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We're proud to offer free* shipping on virtually any order over $100.00 (pre tax). If your order is below $100, there is a $9.99 shipping and handling charge. See below for more details:

  • Orders are shipped as soon as possible, but please allow for 1-2 days to fulfill the boxing and shipping. Please call the shop at 770-696-7619 to arrange expedited shipping options. Most orders are shipped via FedEx Ground. See chart below for an estimation of shipping times. We try our best to package orders the day of when received before 1pm EST. Orders received after 1PM may take an additional day to be shipped.
  • Free shipping applies to orders shipped within the Continental United States, shipped via FedEx Ground.

  • We do not currently offer International Shipping.

  •  Oversized items and other oddities may require shipping charges and we will always notate this on the product itself, usually in bold letters.

  • Shipping charges on a returned item(s) cannot be reimbursed unless it is being returned due to a mistake on our part or the item(s) was defective in some way. Please see our Return policy for more details. Any shipping charges paid at the time of order can and will be refunded along with the returned merchandise.

  • We do offer the FREE ground shipping on SALES items that are still over the $100 mark.

  • Tennessee state sales tax applies to orders shipped within the state of Tennessee. Outside the state, no tax is charged. We are not responsible for taxes and fees charged by your state or country regarding any orders outside of the USA.


If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy, don't hesitate to reach out. We are here and happy to help:

• Phone: (770) 696-7619
• Email:
• By Mail: 3227 Brainerd Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37411


If you need to return an item for any reason:

  1. Send us a quick e-mail, and  drop a note in the return package with the following information: Your name, Order Date, Order Number, Item(s) and a quick note on reason for returning. Please note that if it has been longer than 30 days, we will need to contact you to get a credit card number in order to apply the credit. Please make sure that we get a good phone number in that case.

  2. Drop the item in the mail and we'll take care pf the rest.

  3. We will be waiting for the item and will issue an immediate credit to your credit card account once the item has been inspected and it is determined to be in good condition*

Non-defective, returned merchandise must be in re-sellable            condition. Please make non-defective returns within 30 days of purchase - please contact us if more time has passed.

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